3rd place in February Black & White competition, 2022

Being “On top of Serra de Capelada” the awarded picture. Judged by legendary photographer Tatsuo Suzuki.

The Jury’s feedback:

“A thoroughly captivating and atmospheric image that demonstrates the potential of black & white. Perfectly framed, the striking alabaster lines that fringe the road direct the viewer’s gaze into the nubilous horizon, and contrast dramatically with the textured, charcoal scenery, creating a dream-like composition that intrigues and stirs. It is an immaculately constructed  compelling assertion of monochrome’s enduring relevance, for it is hard to imagine it would have the same impact were it rendered in color.”  – The Independent Photographer Editors



Got “Dancing in the wind” curated by the exclusive print collection A curated print sharing project where authors can submit and share prints.


“Sea, sky and land” on FUJI X PASSION MAGAZINE, 2021

Wrote an article for the November 2021 edition of Fuji X Passion Photography Magazine about my ongoing project “Sea, Sky and Land” started in 2020. Writing about the change from color to Black and White, my process, equipment and several other topics.


Got one of my favourite pictures curated at

1x was founded with the vision of gathering the best photography in the world in one place.